National Maternity Voices has been commissioned by NHSEI to update our MVP Toolkit. In the revised toolkit, we are aiming to summarise existing guidance and to share examples of what is currently working in local MVPs. NHSEI has separately commissioned a review of the function and funding of MVPs which will make recommendations for the future organisation of MVPs and coproduction in maternity.
The MVP Toolkit Review is being overseen by our multidisciplinary Steering Group, and has involved:
- an initial process of listening to concerns and inviting suggestions
- multidisciplinary small group work to understand key issues in more depth
- a review of the existing guidance and resources relating to MVPs
We now have a draft version of the revised toolkit which will be considered at a Steering Group meeting on 7th March. In the meantime, we would welcome any comments on the draft.
Sending comments
There are two options for viewing and commenting on the draft document:
- On this web version, you can add your comments or suggestions at the end of each section. These comments will be available for others to view and will also be sent to National Maternity Voices. Alternatively, you can send any comments or resources directly to Hannah Lynes, Project Manager for the Toolkit Review, at
- You can download a PDF version of the draft document to read or print:
In the final version, we’d like to include links to local MVP resources and documents that can be adapted for use in other areas. If you have examples of any of the following that are working well in your locality, please send them to Hannah. We’d ideally like to include resources from a range of MVPs at different stages of development. We would be interested in any of the following:
- MVP budget
- Business case (i.e. to request funding for the MVP)
- Role descriptions (e.g. MVP chair, vice-chair, other service user roles, clinical rep)
- Terms of reference
- Conflict of interest policy
- New member information pack
- Online feedback form
- Annual/multi-year workplan
- Examples of communication and outreach aimed at widening participation (e.g. outreach to ethnic minority groups or to those living in deprived areas).
1. Introduction
2. Setting up your MVP
2.1 Agreeing who will be responsible for setting up and maintaining your Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)
2.2 Determining the geographical footprint of the Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)
2.3 Deciding how the Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) support function will be delivered
2.4 Providing a budget for the Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP)
2.5 Determining the mechanism for paying remuneration and expenses to service users
2.6 Inviting staff and service user members
2.7 Recruiting a service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair)
3. Getting established
3.1 Holding your first meeting
3.2 Introductory information for members
3.3 IT support for the service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair)
3.4 Induction for the service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair)
3.5 Making Local Maternity System, regional and national connections
3.6 Training and mentoring for Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) members
3.7 Partnership working
3.8 Social media accounts
3.9 Developing an initial workplan
3.10 Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) meetings
3.11 Handling enquiries
3.12 Service user representation at key meetings and forums
3.13 Identifying priority issues
3.14 Building trust
4. Consolidating
4.1 Strengthening and sustaining your team
4.2 Developing your meeting format
4.3 Annual workplan
4.4 Feedback
4.5 Reviewing services
4.6 Coproduction
4.7 Representation
4.8 Input to strategic decision-making
4.9 Safety
4.10 Choice & personalisation
4.11 Equity
4.12 Neonatal
4.13 Perinatal mental health
4.14 Working at provider-level
4.15 Working with the Local Maternity System (LMS)
4.16 Regional involvement
4.17 National involvement
4.18 Communication
4.19 Governance
4.20 Budget
5. Pioneering