4.17 National involvement

As mentioned in section 3.5 above, there are various online forums where Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) members can network with others across England. These forums are rich sources of experience and ideas and MVP chairs in particular will benefit from participating in these. There are also national online and occasional face-to-face events, for example run by National Maternity Voices or NHS England and Improvement, which it may be helpful for members of the service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair) to attend. It will be helpful to include some national activity in the MVP’s workplan to ensure that the service user leadership team can be remunerated for this.

2 thoughts on “4.17 National involvement”

  1. Could include broader links to other ‘patient’ NHS groups and co production . for example I believe they are doing some work in respiratory medicine & cancer. there is quite a lot going on outside of maternity and links here could benefit MVP chairs/leaders. I can ask Gill Phillips as I know she has links to some other groups.

    (Organisation/Role of this commenter: Obstetrician KHFT)

    1. Yes, any suggestions of broader service user involvement networks that MVP chairs could participate in (subject to being resourced for that) would be welcome.

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