3.14 Building trust

This may be a new way of working for both staff and service users on your Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) and it may be helpful to think about how you can build trust early on. Some things that could help with this include:

  • Sharing positive feedback as well as areas for improvement. You will find that much of the feedback you receive from service users is appreciative of the care they’ve received. Sharing these positive messages with staff can help to build morale and, with the service user’s permission, you may be able to let particular staff members know that their good work has made a difference.
  • Closing the feedback loop. If staff have acted on feedback and something, however small, has changed as a result, make sure this is fed back to the service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair). Sharing this news with your MVP members and perhaps through your social media channels will help people to see that feedback is having a positive impact.

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