3.8 Social media accounts

It is generally the service user leadership team (e.g. Chair and Vice-chair) who create and manage the social media accounts for the Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP), so that these are clearly separate from the accounts of the partner organisations. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter can help you to communicate with many parents in your community and to give them a way of getting in contact with you. If you have capacity and the necessary skills, you may also decide to create a web site for your MVP. Alternatively, some information about the MVP could be hosted on a partner organisation web site.

4 thoughts on “3.8 Social media accounts”

  1. Kingston MVP have started a newsletter – another way of publicising MVP work or asking for feedback

    (Organisation/Role of this commenter: Obstetrician KHFT)

    1. Thank you. I’ve now added newsletter to the list of possible communication channels that an established MVP might use in section 4.18.

  2. The Royal Berkshire Hospital runs monthly Q&A for service users live web chats through Facebook with the MVP co-hosting . They both share posts from the sister group on their Facebook and Instagram pages

    (Organisation/Role of this commenter: retired consultnat obstetrician, former clinical director and MVP member)

    1. Thanks Jane. We have included “Online Q&As or live chats” in our list of communication channels that an established MVP might use, in section 4.18 Communication.

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