Equity and equality: Guidance for local maternity systems states that:
“A good equity and equality action plan will include: roles and responsibilities: including of the MVP(s)”
and requests Local Maternity Systems to:
“coproduce interventions to improve equity for mothers, babies and race equality for staff.”
within equity don’t forget about disability both physical and mental – think about those with learning difficulties, deaf/blind, wheelchair users etc links via RCN about pregnancy and disability
LBGTQ community also face unequal access to healthcare
(Organisation/Role of this commenter: Obstetrician KHFT)
I’m keeping this section high level as I don’t want to get too prescriptive about what local MVPs should have on their agenda, beyond what is stated in existing guidance. I have now added the following “You will also want to consider the accessibility of your meeting space for wheelchair users.” to section 3.10 Maternity Voices Partnership (MVP) meetings. Reviewing this toolkit over time could provide an opportunity to consult with specific organisations and service user groups about what more can be done to increase access to MVP involvement.