Author Archives: Dan

The ROUND function works both sides of the decimal place

Most people who have used the ROUND function will have used it to the right of the decimal place. =ROUND(A1,2) This will round cell A1 to two decimal places. So 3.1415 will become 3.14. And 2.718 will become 2.72. But … Continue reading

Text to columns: saving your file layout

The Text to columns function in Excel is useful. If you have a bunch of data in a single column, it can be used to split it into separate columns. Found on the Data ribbon, you can either specify delimiters (for … Continue reading

Conditional minimums

A friend asked me the other day how to return the lowest positive value from a row of data in Excel. Given that there’s no MINIF function, at first I struggled. Then I re-phrased the question: how do you return … Continue reading

A cute Excel conditional formatting quirk

Let's say I conditionally format cell A10 based on the contents of cell A1 using the formula bit of the conditional formatting feature and leaving A1 undollared. I then copy A10 in its entirety to A9. Because Excel can’t base … Continue reading


I recently found out how to do the equivalent of a SUMPRODUCTIF, a formula that doesn't exist in Excel. Here’s the detail on how. First of all, some context. SUM does exactly what it says on the tin. It sums … Continue reading

Variable vlookup offsets

Challenge: I want to future-proof the column number returned in my VLOOKUP formula. VLOOKUP is a hugely useful formula in Excel. Apart from the basic mathematical operators and the IF statement, there’s nothing that touches it in terms of how … Continue reading

Dynamic named ranges

Huge power can result from combining the OFFSET function with Named Ranges in Excel. Here's how. OFFSET itself is phenomenally powerful. It allows you to refer to a range of a chosen height and width that is a chosen number … Continue reading

Useful custom formats

Some neat Excel custom formats A few nice custom Excel formats for you to use. <;;;> Stores a value, but doesn’t display it <00000> Always stores five digits. So 453 becomes 00453. Useful for US zip codes <[Black] General> To … Continue reading

Paste Special between Excel instances

If you have two instances of Excel open, you can’t Copy | Paste Special between the two. Which can be a bit of a pain. Instead, create a new spreadsheet in the destination instance, paste into that, and then Copy … Continue reading

Hiding errors

Challenge: I want to hide error values. Error values are pretty ugly. #N/A, #VALUE, #REF etc. When the eye sees them, it triggers an ever so slight wince. They occur when something's awry: when lookups don't yield any results, when … Continue reading