Coca Cola social media principles


Coca cola - photo credit natetheape21

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Coca Cola is a corporate bohemoth. Take a look at their social media and it’s just a bit effective. On Facebook, more than 40 million ‘like’ their page. They’ve got the strategy right. Here is that strategy:

6. When in doubt, do not post. Associates are personally responsible for their words and actions,
wherever they are. As online spokespeople, you must ensure that your posts are completely accurate
and not misleading, and that they do not reveal non‐public information of the Company.  Exercise sound
judgment and common sense, and if there is any doubt, DO NOT POST IT. In any circumstance in which
you are uncertain about how to respond to a post, send the link to

7. Give credit where credit is due and don’t violate others’ rights. DO NOT claim authorship of something
that is not yours. If you are using another party’s content, make certain that they are credited for it in
your post and that they approve of you utilizing their content. Do not use the copyrights, trademarks,
publicity rights, or other rights of others without the necessary permissions of the rightsholder(s).

8. Be responsible to your work. The Company understands that associates engage in online social media
activities at work for legitimate purposes and that these activities may be helpful for Company affairs.
However, the Company encourages all associates to exercise sound judgment

Photo credit: natetheape21 on Flickr

for more examples and tips