Increasing video views


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YouTube and Vimeo are great. But how often is tumbleweed blowing across that channel? This blog and case study from Matt Bond from Cornwall Council gives some practical tips and techniques on how they have created interesting short films and interest in them.

Here at Cornwall Council, based on the last 12 months statistics, we get an average of 189 views each week of our Vimeo hosted external facing films, (we have internal films as well) which range from Fire recruitment and safety films to clips from third party sources, such as BBC News, that are relevant for our local audience. Now this isn’t too bad a figure but there are always ways that we can do much more to boost this number.

Unlocking the key to getting more video views has always been a challenge. So this got me thinking about ways in which we can firstly attract viewers to the film and then get them to engage with it and take something from it. Rule number one deals with film in general whereas the remaining points are much more focussed on getting visitors to view your film among the crowd on a sharif site such as You Tube or Vimeo.

for more examples and tips