Wolverhampton Homes Social Media Guidelines

Visit: http://www.wolverhamptonhomes.org.uk/Home/LatestNews/SocialMediaGuidelines.aspx

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A useful set of social media guidelines written for a housing association but perfectly usable across the public sector.

Social media presence will be managed by named officers, who take ownership and responsibility for all content published. All officers will use either their initials or first names in posts, and where applicable job title, so that we are accountable for all we post on behalf of the organisation. This serves a dual purpose: it also shows the human face of the organisation. As members of staff change or move roles, the profile of Twitter and Facebook should be amended accordingly.

The Communications Team will be responsible for up-skilling officers who wish to use social media, advising on campaigns, projects and initiatives and taking overall responsibility for social media content that is generated by Wolverhampton Homes.

for more examples and tips