Smarter Guidance and Data: Defra


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Defra are running a long-term consultation project to identify and simplify environmental regulation, combining a public site inviting comments, with embedded questionnaire/poll using the low-cost PollDaddy service:

Smarter Guidance and Data is an outcome of the Red Tape Challenge. It is working to make it easier, quicker and clearer to understand what environmental rules apply and simpler to report essential environmental and farming data. This will make it cheaper for businesses and others to comply with regulations and achieve strong environmental standards.

A thorough review of guidance and information obligations under the banner of the Smarter Environmental Regulation Review concluded that they are important for supporting regulation but have become more costly and complex than they need to be. That is why we are inviting your comments on how guidance and information obligations reporting can be improved.

We want to hear from businesses the public and other stakeholders on how guidance and reporting requirements can be made more straightforward.

for more examples and tips