What Next for Localism

Visit: http://whatnextforlocalism.org/category/idea/

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The What next for localism? inquiry has been established by the NALC (National Association of Local Councils) working with the All Party Parliamentary Group on local democracy. The site – build by Kind of Digital – allows people to submit ideas and rate/comment on these:

We don’t want this to be a typical Inquiry where a panel simply listens to evidence, produces a report with recommendations, and hopes that someone reads it and something happens as a result. We’re committed to making something happen quickly, and have already begun working on a series of projects as well as seizing the opportunity to influence and set the agenda.

All ideas submitted through the website will be analysed and considered by NALC and All Party Parliamentary Group on local democracy, in addition to other evidence sourced through a series of short surveys and more traditional oral evidence sessions.

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