Pylon Design Competition – DECC


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DECC put together a social media package to support the announcement of the winners of a competition to design new pylons. The activity included a photo set on Flickr, a live blog using CoverItLive, and podcast:

Chris Huhne today opened a display at the Victoria & Albert Museum’s London Design Festival featuring scale models of six striking designs for new electricity pylons. The designs have been shortlisted from 250 entries to the Pylon Design Competition.

The six teams presented their designs at “A Pylon for the future” event in the Sackler Centre at the V&A. Chris Huhne spoke about the competition and the energy challenge facing the UK. Architect, Sir Nicholas Grimshaw also presented on the power of design.

We live-blogged the event from the V&A Museum. Re-play the stream, take a look at the new designs and the questions asked.

for more examples and tips