What Is Pinterest and Why Should I Care?

Visit: http://m.theatlantic.com/technology/print/2012/02/know-your-internet-what-is-pinterest-and-why-should-i-care/252835/

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Pinterest is an emerging photosharing site. It’s the new kid on the block and it’s worthwhile getting the low-down before it lands on your ‘to do’ list. This piece works as a basic introduction to the site.

On the cold, crowded beach that is the Internet, another monster wave has been spotted on the horizon. This wave is called Pinterest and it looks like it could be — or already is — the Next Big Thing in social media.

This week, Techcrunch blared, “Pinterest Reaches 10 Million U.S. Monthly Uniques Faster Than Any Standalone Site Ever,” based on Comscore data.

Last week, a study was making the rounds that claimed to show that Pinterest was driving more referral traffic than Google .

We’re getting to that point with Pinterest where (in tech circles at least) it feels awkward to ask what it is even if you’re not exactly sure. This is your quick guide to the site.

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