Science and Society Consultation


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Now archived, this consultation launched in July 2008 set out a proposed vision for Science and Society and outlined some key questions and challenges facing the science and policy community as the government looked to develop its strategy.

The site was a new departure for the lead department (DIUS) in incorporated a ‘commentable’ version of the document, a blog throughout the consultation period and afterwards, feeds of mentions elsewhere online and in Parliament, and ‘widgets’ enabling interested parties to embed parts of the consultation on their own websites.

Over the next few months we invite all sectors of society, science and policy to answer the questions posed in this strategy, tell us how they are already addressing some of the challenges and propose ways of achieving the vision in the future. We intend to draw all of this together in a strategy and action plan in the new year. We need to agree outcomes and how success should be measured. We need to agree and prioritise benefits.

for more examples and tips