Age UK Somerset: Volunteer in time for the Coronation!

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Open to public, advance booking/ticket required
Hosted by:
Age UK Somerset
3 March 2023
Ash House, Cook Way, Taunton, Somerset, TA2 6BJ, United Kingdom
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No one should have no one this Coronation weekend.

The Coronation weekend will be enjoyed by many and be greatly looked forward to by those with memories of the last Coronation. At Age UK Somerset we want to ensure that older people across Somerset and North Somerset do not have to celebrate alone.

That is why we are asking people to sign up as Volunteers in the run up to the Coronation now so that they will be matched with an older client in time for 6th May. Get in touch now and ask about becoming a Wellbeing Friend or a Walk and Talk Volunteer. Thank you.

Age UK Somerset is looking for Volunteers across the whole of Somerset and North Somerset.