The King’s Coronation Celebration, Worthing

Open to public?
Open to public, no booking required
Hosted by:
The Worthing Dementia Hub
3 May 2023
St Symphorian's Church, New Road, Durrington, Worthing, BN133HU, United Kingdom
Find out more:

The Worthing Dementia Hub supports everyone who is affected by memory and cognition difficulties. This includes carers and people living with dementia or other conditions which affect their memory. Currently the social action movement runs two day services (Stay social and Stay active) and runs a cognitive stimulation group for people living with dementia. They also have a drop in hub which provides guidance and support to carers and people living with dementia on a 1-1 basis and signposts people to relevant services. They also run support groups such as carer’s coffee morning (not so small anymore), Worthing town cryers (people living with dementia voice group) and a LGBTQ+ support group. Recently we have now set up a dementia voice choir and are organising a King’s coronation celebration through this with our close links in the community. By being accessible and well informed of local community support we are enabling carers and people affected by dementia to get timely support and avoid crisis. Since being open since the beginning of February we have had more than 200 people walk into our hub or to access one of our support groups.