Spinney Paths Project

Open to public?
Open to public, no booking required
Hosted by:
Obelisk Spinney Pocket Park Community Interest Company
8 May 2023
Obelisk Rise, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN2 8UB, United Kingdom
Find out more:
https://www.facebook.com/ObeliskSpinneyPP or email enquiries@obeliskspinney.org

Obelisk Spinney is a small but important woodland on the edge of the Obelisk Rise housing estate in Northampton and Boughton village. It is a much valued piece of open space for local residents of all ages and a mix of habitats make it a haven for wildlife too. A small group of volunteers meets monthly to maintain the spinney – picking litter, mowing the wildflower meadow, installing bird and bat boxes and cutting back vegetation. It’s been several years since the main paths in the spinney were laid and they have become very muddy and rutted. We have been lucky enough to get funding from Kingsthorpe Parish Council to buy 19 tonnes of grano-dust to resurface the paths – and we have been advertising for extra volunteers from the local area to lend a hand on Big Help Out Day!