Kings Coronation Fete, Edgmond

Open to public?
Open to public, no booking required
Hosted by:
Edgmond Parish Council
8 May 2023
Edgmond Village Hall,, Shrewsbury Road, Newport, United Kingdom (+44), TF10 8HU, United Kingdom
Find out more: uk, Facebook Edgmond Chit Chat, Newport Idle Chit Chat, Facebook Telford community Support.

Kings Coronation Fete being held at the Village Hall in Edgmond. Proceeds raised are going towards the Edgmond Play area. We have named our group ‘Let’s Play Edgmond’ and have been raising funds since Oct 2022.
The group have asked the local children in the Edgmond School ‘What would the Kings grandchildren would like in the play area’ the children have done a poster with expectations which we will use to target the equipment needed for the area.
The fete is family orientated, the winners of the poster competition will receive a gift card presented by the former High Sherriff Tony Morris Eyton. There will be circus skills for both adults and children to learn, there will be Save Our Shropshire, Sustainable Newport, Emporium of useful things as our contribution to carbon reduction and understanding. Many craft stalls, Wrekin Spirit a company that helped us make the ‘Coronation Gin’ to which the King has had the angel bottle which was given for him at a recent event in Telford where the Queen consort was in attendance. At the fete there will be food vendors, refreshments and as a part of our heritage there will be vintage coaches, cars, tractors (as we are a rural area) and vespa scooters. We have invited local vendors that sell craft items and there will be an area for children to make for crafting, which will be coronation related. We have asked for volunteers to help out with the day and currently have 12 adults and 8 scouts, this is in line with the Big Help Out.