Organisation’s Aims
Banbridge Road Presbyterian Church is made up of ordinary-ish people of all ages, stages and walks of life from the around the Dromore area. Although we are a mixed bunch, we have one thing in common. We share a faith that is grounded in God’s word, the Bible, and our trust in the Lord Jesus Christ for our salvation from sin. We want to tell people about Jesus and show them that He is very much alive and that He is at work in the lives of normal, imperfect people like us. The Bible teaches us that the Christians that make up the church are to be a family. As such we seek to always treat one another with love and respect. If you were to come along you would be warmly welcomed and could get involved as much or as little as you feel comfortable with. Our hope is that no matter what stage of life a person joins us in, we would want them to be able to develop real friendships within the church family and ultimately that they would grow in their knowledge and understanding of who God is. Of course, the best way to do that is to come along and see for yourself.
Celebrating the Coronation
On Monday 8th May we will be running an all ages celebration for the whole community. On the day there will be bouncy castles, a BBQ, carnival games, kids rugby, coronation themed arts and crafts, a coronation themed town treasure hunt, a coronation themed OAP afternoon tea and a live outdoor band.
At the coronation His Majesty, King Charles III, will make vows of service before Almighty God. He will hold and carry symbols that represent the Christian faith, as he swears an oath as leader of the Church of England. Although many of our community will wish to celebrate the coronation, as a church, it is these aspects of the coronation that we wish to celebrate most. At his coronation the King of England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland will publicly submit to the King of Kings our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Therefore, we wish to celebrate our King.