Come Sing!, Peebles

Open to public?
Open to public, no booking required
Hosted by:
St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Peebles
30 April 2023
St Peter’s Episcopal Church, Peebles, Eastgate, Peebles, SCOTTISH BORDERS, EH45 8AD, United Kingdom
Find out more:
Email the Director of Music on

The St Peter’s Episocal Church choir in Peebles with friends from around the area, invite anyone who is interested to come and learn a new anthem for the coronation – in a scratch rehearsal and then performance. The anthem is ‘ The mountains shall bring peace” by Joanna Forbes L’Estrange.

This will take place in Sunday 30th April. All music will be provided and rehearsal will commence at 2.30pm in the church lasting approximately 90 minutes followed by a performance at 4pm for as many people as you wish to invite.

To register your interest and help us gauge the number of singers and musical parts, or for further information, contact: The Director of Music; St Peter’s Church) on
Free entry with retiring donations to support Peebles Foodbank