Bring and Share Tea followed by Celebratory Evensong – Ganton

Open to public?
Open to public, advance booking/ticket required
7 May 2023
Ganton Village Hall, Woodside Road, GANTON, North Yorkshire, YO12 4NS, United Kingdom
Find out more: 07773271372

We are holding a bring and Share Tea Party to which every member of every household in the Village of Ganton and Potter Brompton has been invited by hand written invitation. The event will take place in a private tent that is being erected on the Cricket Pitch in the village of Ganton, starting at 4.00pm. Tea, coffee and soft drinks will be provided. At 5.00 a celebratory home made cake (beg enough for 150 people to have a piece) will be cut and a glass of Prosecco will be given to all the adults – a toast will then be drunk to honour King Charles III and Queen Camilla. Celebratory Evensong will begin at 6.00pm in St Nicholas Church. The event is being kindly sponsor red by The Proudfoot Group.