An Alternative Coronation Celebration

Open to public?
Open to public, advance booking/ticket required
Hosted by:
Chats Palace Arts Centre
6 May 2023
Chats Palace Arts Centre, 42-44 Brooksby's Walk, London, E9 6DF, United Kingdom
Find out more:

Chats Palace Arts Centre are inviting the local community celebrate the Coronation together on 6th May as part of a royal neighbourhood party. The event will mark the King’s Coronation in style with family-friendly activities run by artists from the queer community.

Come along, join in the festivities and celebrate yourselves for who you truly are: we all deserve a crown.

This will be a safe space for everyone to come together and celebrate the Coronation. Whatever shape your family comes in, Chats Palace welcomes you all.

The celebration party will include:

• Drop in arts & crafts – make your own crowns, bunting and more
• A royal photobooth – wear your crowns, pose with the King and get your glad rags on
• Storytelling from Drag Queen Story Hour UK
• Shadow Puppet Workshops – create a royal puppet theatre to take away with you
• Zine Making Workshops from Queer China
• Lots of tea, cake and ice cream!

Chats Palace is an inclusive intergenerational arts centre with a civic role, empowering local people to explore the arts. This neighbourhood party is an opportunity for our local Hackney community to come together and engage in exciting sensory mediums such as theatre, crafts and puppetry whilst unwinding and relaxing together.