A tutto Swing

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Open to public, no booking required
6 May 2023
Find out more:
info@smileorchestra.it https://www.smileorchestra.it/

The Smile Orchestra was born in 2016 from an idea of ​​Catalin Montanaro and the line-up follows a typical 1940s swing orchestra. The repertoire traces the glorious period of the Swing Era through the compositions of its great American masters such as Glenn Miller, Benny Goodman and Duke Ellington. The orchestra has performed, gaining increasing approval from the public in concerts that have also received praise from well-known jazz musicians.

The Smile Orchestra will perform a swing concert in celebration of the Coronation of His Majesty King Charles III. The swing concert will revive the magical atmospheres of the era of the Sovereign’s youth. The program includes pieces in vogue at the time such as In the Mood by Joe Garland; Sing, Sing, Sing by Louis Prima, Stompin ‘at the Savoy by Benny Goodman, Moonlight Serenade by Glenn Miller and many more.