A County Celebrates: Coronations Past and Present

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Open to public, advance booking/ticket required
Hosted by:
West Sussex Record Office
18 April 2023
West Sussex Record Office, 3 Orchard Street, Chichester, West Sussex, PO19 1DD, United Kingdom
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Venue: Online only
Date: Tuesday 18 April 2023
Time: 7.00pm
Tickets: Free – book via Eventbrite: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/a-county-celebrates-coronations-past-and-present-tickets-580344785877

Journey with us as we reveal how past coronations were celebrated in West Sussex – in archive documents, photographs and some quite remarkable films.

Screen Archive South East, in partnership with West Sussex Record Office, will unwrap a number of remarkable films showing how West Sussex film-makers, among them a scoutmaster, a school teacher and a host of amateurs and cine-enthusiasts, captured events that celebrated the coronations of both George VI in 1937 and our late Queen Elizabeth II in 1953.

These films, many of which are in glorious colour, feature civic parades in both Bognor Regis and Chichester, a street party in Horsham, the entire community of Lindfield indulging in comic races and competitions and, to top it all, a mammoth celebration in Burgess Hill that includes an open-air church service, a television show for the elderly and a variety of events that would last for seven whole days!

We’ll also be inviting you to make your own contribution to the history of West Sussex by sharing with us your very own recollections, stills and moving images of the forthcoming events that will celebrate the crowning of King Charles III.

The talk will last up to an hour, with an opportunity to ask questions via the chat box.