There are a lot of .gov
domains: over 5,300 of them. About 1,300 of these are used by the federal government's executive, legislative, and judicial branches. The rest are spread across states, territories, counties, cities, and native tribes.
For a while now, the public has been able to download a dataset of the roughly 1,200 .gov domains used by the federal executive branch from data.gov, the nation's data catalog.
We're happy to say that the .gov
registry is now releasing the entire set of 5,300 .gov
domains, including those outside of the federal executive branch.
Some background: the .gov
registry is a centrally operated top-level domain managed by the Office of Government-wide Policy (OGP), which is part of the General Services Administration (GSA). The associated DotGov.gov provides more background, as well as tools such as WHOIS lookup and DNSSEC analysis.
You can download the complete .gov
domain list in CSV form here:
We’re hosting it on GSA's GitHub account, which also allows for easy in-browser viewing of the full list.
We and the Office of Government-wide Policy hope this data is useful to the public, and to anyone helping make the .gov
landscape better.